15 Ways Stimulants Can Ruin Your Life
Stimulant abuse is on the rise across the country. They are believed to be harmless, if not beneficial. However, nothing could be further from the truth. Stimulants are very dangerous chemicals that are very likely to ruin your life as long as you are abusing them.
1. They Ruin your Body
From lack of sleep to extreme weight loss, stimulants destroy your body and its ability to repair itself. This results in severe organ damage, vision damage, and a whole host of other health problems.
2. You Lose Too Much Weight Too Quickly
Stimulants greatly increase your metabolism, resulting in weight loss. This may seem like a good thing, but when you abuse stimulants, you lose large quantities of weight very quickly, and don’t stop losing it just because you reach a healthy weight.
3. You can Lose your Job if you Work While on Them
If you use any drug that is not prescribed to you, you put your livelihood in danger. All it takes is one failed drug screen to find yourself unemployed.
4. You can Lose your Home
When you have lost your job and all of your money, you can’t pay for your home. This results in foreclosure or eviction, and you will find yourself on the street.
5. You can Lose your Life
Stimulant addiction is a disease that continues to grow until you stop using them. As such, it takes over everything. It starts by taking your hobbies and interests, and continues by taking your job, home, health, family, and eventually your life.
6. It is Possible to Overdose on Most of Them
Many stimulants are perceived to be safe, or are slow acting. As such, it is not unusual for people abusing them to take far more than can possibly considered safe, resulting in overdose.
7. You can Seriously Harm your Heart
The repeated strains that stimulants place on your heart can result in heart disease, heart valve failures, and heart attacks. Over time, these things destroy the heart, and may result in death.
8. They Cause your Metabolism to Speed Up to an Impossible Rate
Stimulants drastically raise your metabolism, even if they are used properly. When they are abused, they raise it to dangerous levels and put your health and life at serious risk.
9. You can Lose your Family
When you allow stimulants to take over your life, there is no room for anyone else. This includes your family. They can only look the other way or try to help for so long, and then they go away and you are on your own.
10. You can Lose all of your Friends
If stimulants can take your family from you, it should be no surprise that they can take your friends. Stimulant addiction just leaves no room for relationships of any kind.
11. You could Find yourself Engaging in Risky Behaviors
While in the grip of stimulant addiction, you may find yourself doing all manner of things you would never consider doing under normal circumstances. Stimulants “hype you up”, and drive you to do more and more dangerous things.
12. You Might Find yourself Doing Horrible things to Get Drugs
When your appetite for stimulants exceeds your ability to purchase them, you have to take other measures. This may mean stealing things, participating in other illegal activities, or selling your body.
13. You can go to Jail
Possession of stimulants without a prescription is illegal, and will result in jail time if you are caught.
14. Stimulants will Absorb any Money that you Have
Stimulants are expensive, and your addiction will extend beyond your ability to pay for them, resulting in a loss of all of your money and possessions.
15. It is Easy to Die on Stimulants
Stimulants speed your heart and metabolism to dangerous levels, which make death very likely.
According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, stimulant use is one of the most dangerous drug habits you can have. Before any of these negative consequences can ruin your life, get help now. Call us at 800-605-6597 Who Answers?.