Excuses People Make for their Stimulant Addiction
According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, stimulants are a highly addictive set of substances. Stimulant addiction can involve everything from caffeine to crack cocaine. Unfortunately, many of these stimulants are highly dangerous and can cause a number of issues. This is the reason why it is illegal to use or possess them. It is also the reason why people make excuses to use them.
It is Medication
This is a common excuse particularly if the addict is using Ritalin or another ADHD drug. The medication might be prescribed but a addict uses a higher dose than is technically prescribed. They do this because they are tolerant to the medication.
It Improves my Performance at Work
People make this excuse when they take stimulants to increase their ability to work longer hours or nights. Although stimulants temporarily improve performance, it is only a temporary solution. It gets to the point where the addict can no longer do any task without the stimulant.
It Improves my Athletic Performance

Stimulants only temporarily improve athletic performance by providing more energy and focus.
Again, stimulants only temporarily improve performance. Many sports officials and organizations are banning the use of even legal stimulants before the game due to their addictive and harmful nature. The only way that stimulants improve athletic performance is to increase energy and sometimes brief periods of concentration.
It Makes me More Alert
Although stimulants do make you more alert, this effect is only temporary and many times you wind up crashing after the initial rush of energy. This crashing causes fatigue, hypersomulance and the inability to stay awake. This defeats the purpose of something that makes you more alert.
I Need to Get Work Done
This excuse is a very common one. When someone needs to do work and does not have the energy to complete their task they might turn to a stimulant. Once addicted though, a user will always need the stimulant to get work done regardless of how they feel initially.
I can Stop Whenever I Want
This is a classic excuse used by addicts of all types. They convince themselves that they can stop any time that they want to. They will also try to convince you that they can stop. Unfortunately, the addiction will not let them stop without severe withdrawal symptoms. Most people cannot stop a stimulant addiction with some form of help.
It Doesn’t Hurt Anyone Else
By saying that it does not hurt anyone else, an addict tries to excuse their behavior. Most addicts do not think of the damage that their addiction does to those around them. Usually they hurt the ones closest to themselves before they decide to seek treatment.
How to Find Help for a Stimulant Addiction
There is help for stimulant addiction. The type of treatment depends on what type of stimulant you are using. Each person reacts differently to withdrawal and addiction. Finding a personalized treatment for the addiction is extremely important. For more information on stimulant addiction treatment call us at 800-605-6597 Who Answers?.