10 Reasons Why Crack Addicts Always Lie
According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, lying is a part of addiction. It is one of the main characteristics of addiction as noted by reputable addiction scientists. All addicts eventually end up lying to a number of people in their lives. It can be very difficult to see through these lies. Many of them are specifically designed to keep their addiction safe, so in a way it is the addiction lying not the addict themselves. If you are dealing with an addict, it is important to know why addicts lie.
1. To Cover Their Addiction
The main reason why addicts lie to you is to cover their addiction. These lies can be anything from I am not using to I didn’t steal your stereo. This lie is a defense mechanism that the majority of addicts use at one point or another. It is a form of self preservation.
2. To Get More Drugs
Lying to allow them to get more drugs is not uncommon. Many addicts will lie to both enable themselves to get more drugs or to stop you from keeping them from stopping the user from getting drugs. If you put an addict in a position where they need to lie about getting drugs you will most definitely be lied to.
3. To Excuse their Behavior

Crack addicts will make excuses for their behavior.
Addicts often lie to excuse their behavior. Lies like, ‘everyone else is doing it’ or ‘I just used it once,’ are very common. Most people who do not want to believe that they are an addict will lie about their behavior while they are on drugs.
4. To Keep From Getting Caught by the Police
Addicts lie to authority figures all the time. They tell police or other authorizes that they are not using or holding drugs. Not getting caught is one of the key points to continuing an addiction.
5. To Get Out of Trouble
One of the number one reasons addicts lie is to get out of trouble. If you caught them they might say that they are holding for a friend or that it is the first time that they do it. Most people who are addicted are used to lying to get out of trouble.
6. To Prevent you from Getting them Help
Addicts lie to prevent you from getting them treatment. They will try to keep you from calling a treatment center or staging an intervention. Most people who lie like this will say things like they do not have a problem or they can control their use.
7. To Belay Efforts to Get them Treatment
Addicts also lie to keep you from putting them into treatment. This common lie is that they can quit at any time or that they do not need help.
8. So that they Can Steal Without Getting Caught
Some addicts lie about stealing. Many people addicted to crack cocaine steal to afford the drug.
Amazing Breakthroughs in Cocaine, Crack, and Other Stimulant Addiction Treatment
9. To Avoid Facing their Addiction
Denial is a very powerful thing, the addict might not even know that they are lying. Denying addiction is one of the primary methods of keeping from seeking treatment.
10. They are Ashamed of their Addiction
Many people lie because they know they are addicted and wish to hide the fact. If you catch an addict in a lie, it is important to get them help. Most people who start lying know they need help. For information on finding help call us at 800-605-6597 Who Answers?.