20 Reasons why Meth use is Just a Bad Idea
It is well known that the illicit use of methamphetamine is very high. It continues being one of the most dangerous drugs in the country, and is responsible for injuries and deaths at epidemic proportions. There are many reasons why it is a bad idea to use meth.
1. Meth Steals your Life
It is one of the most addictive drugs known, and has such powerful addictive properties that users can think of nothing else, sometimes after only one use.
2. It Ruins your Smile
Meth is very bad for your mouth and teeth. Using it causes a rapid tooth decay and gum disease combination known as “meth mouth”.
3. It Ruins your Skin, Hair, and Nails
The use of meth raises your metabolism to such high levels that your body leeches essential nutrients and minerals from things like hair, fingernails, and skin, in order to continue necessary functions, like heartbeat and brain activity.
4. Meth will Make it Impossible to Keep a Job

Using meth will make you lose your job.
Meth users run the risk of violating drug free workplace rules and getting fired. They also are not able to function at work because of their need for, and actions on, meth.
5. Meth will Steal your Family
Addiction to meth takes over your life completely, and far too often causes you to hurt the ones you love most. This ruins relationships with family.
6. Your Friends that Use Meth are Not Really Your Friends
People using meth only want one thing. That is more meth. Because of this, they are not capable of friendship.
7. It will Steal your Old Friends
Much like the effects on your family, meth’s effect on your relationships with friends will drive them away from you, as well.
8. It Causes Sores All Over Your Body
One of the most common side effects of meth use is a feeling of bugs crawling on or under the skin. Users often scratch and pick at skin, opening wounds that quickly become infected.
9. It is Toxic
Meth is manufactured from numerous chemicals known to be poisonous to humans. Things like antifreeze and insect poisons are often used in manufacturing meth. The process of manufacturing it also produces toxins that sit on surfaces for years to come. Many meth labs explode killing their occupants.
10. You will Get Paranoid About Everything using Meth
One of the most common side effects of meth use is extreme paranoia. Users often feel that everyone is watching them, or after them, or are conspiring against them. You feel like you are under a microscope and that you cannot control anything including your own life.
11. It causes Anxiety
The paranoia accompanying the use of meth often leads to anxiety disorders. These disorders are difficult to treat and even more difficult to live with. The constant adrenaline that fills your body during the fight or flight reflex may become a permanent condition causing generalized anxiety and anxiety disorders.
12. You Become Violent on Meth
All of this anxiety and paranoia, when combined with the stimulant effects of meth, leads to violent outbursts, many times out of control. Meth also causes irrational aggressive behavior without the added component of anxiety. The anxiety just makes it worse.
13. It Controls your Behavior
Users of meth frequently report not being in control of their actions or familiar with their surroundings while on meth. You start to do thing that you never thought you would while you are on meth, destroying your self-esteem and self-respect.
14. You will Do Anything to get It
Meth causes very severe physical and mental dependence, and includes dangerous and severe withdrawal symptoms. Users will do anything to end these symptoms, which can only be achieved by getting more of the drug, or getting treatment.
15. You could be Arrested
The production, possession, and sale of meth is highly illegal. If you are caught with meth, you will be arrested. When you are arrested most mandatory minimum drug sentences apply.
16. You will Take Risks such as Theft and Prostitution to get Meth
Once you are addicted, you will do absolutely anything to get more of the drug you need. This includes committing crimes or selling everything you have, including yourself. This eventually leads to arrest and incarceration.
17. It will Ruin your Heart
This drug drastically speeds up the heart, often putting it out of rhythm. This damages the heart muscle, and often leads to death. You risk cardiac failure when you are addicted to meth.
18. You can Easily Overdose on it and Wind up Hospitalized
Hospitalization is the best possible outcome from an overdose. Most overdoses on meth end in death. When you are in the hospital, you will most likely be referred to a treatment center for addiction treatment.
19. It Destroys your Brain
Meth is made from powerful and dangerous chemicals that are known to cause irreversible brain damage. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, this causes cognitive dysfunction, destroys your memory, and eventually leads to insanity.
20. If you Keep Using Meth, One Way or Another It will Kill You
When you become aware of what meth really is, and what it does to the body, it is no surprise that chronic meth abuse always leads to death. The only way to prevent this is to stop using meth. There are a number of treatment options available for treating meth addiction. You can find the treatment you need by calling 800-605-6597 Who Answers?. We can help you find the treatment that you need if you are already addicted to meth.